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NASTE Event Results for the 2013 Season

Saturday May 25, 2013

May 25th was the date for the final race of the NASTE 2013 Point Series Championship.  Nineteen NASTE racers converged on Terry & Dorothy Abbotts newly opened "Hammer Time Speedway", a very appropriate name for their tight & twisty, but fast 4 lane HO track.  Terry had a surprise for everyone in the first race of the evening.  MONSTER TRUCKS!  Yes, Monster trucks!  These things behaved like Monster trucks!  But man, were they fun.  Monstrously so!

In the surprise of the season the first set was won by Monte "Big Smooth" Saager followed by Flyin' Bryan Trachsel and Terry "the Mailman" Abbott.  In winning the first HO race of his career the 'Smooth was heard to say "The trucks were slow and strange - they fit me perfectly!"  And so they did.

In the ladies classification, the track owner's wife dominated the field as Hammer Time's very own Hammer - Dorothy Abbott - led the ladies with Victoria Saager second with Amanda Abbott in third.

Russell Flood gave younger brother Todd a lesson in the fast way around the track to lead the junior division.

In the second race of the night, Terry had four equally prepared T-Jets.  They were fast and handled much better than the trucks!  The racing was intense to say the least!  Pulling away from the tightly packed field, the Mailman finally put the hammer down to take the win with Dave Smith in second and Bill Bostic on third.

No change in the standings in the other classes as Dorothy continued to toss the hammer around and Russell gave Todd no mercy.

By the end of the night Bryan Trachsel had secured the championship for the NASTE 2013 season.  This is Bryan's third championship with NASTE.  Congrats to Bryan on a great season! 

Thank you also to Terry & Dorothy on a great night!  It was hard to believe it was their first time for hosting a NASTE race!  The racing program went very smoothly, and the track and cars functioned without any hick-ups.  Oh, and did I mention the FOOD?  WOW, thank you Dorothy for some delicious edibles!


Saturday April 27, 2013

On Saturday April 27, twelve racers took to the track, controllers in hand for his season?s final trip to Autumn Hills Raceway in Milwaukie.

Our track host Rico supplied some new cars for our racing pleasure that ranged from mighty Detroit steel to those exotic cars from Stuttgart.
In the first round of two-minute heats the Detroit Steel was on display in the form of thoroughbred stallions - Scalextric Camaro's!  They were quick, they were loose, and they were a lot of fun.

Turning some fast times, Terry "the Mailman" Abbot stormed to an early.  One by one, the other drivers fell by the wayside trying to catch him and in the end it was the Mailman with the victory.  Rico managed second down by more than a lap while Flyin' Bryan Trachsel was third another three tenths back.
In the ladies division it was family sweep night as Dorothy "the Hammer" Abbott took the top spot followed closely by Sherry Wilson with June Petrequin just behind in third.  And in the junior class Todd Flood got the victory over Dominic Locati.

For the night's second round Rico brought out the raw power of the Porsche.  Or as a certain mister Allison preferred - over-priced, imported Corvairs.  And the Ninco Porsche's did take some taming.  One would seem to randomly de-slot when least expected.  Those that managed the dancing demons with the least excitement seemed to do best.  Truly slower was faster.  Smoother was best.

Top of the heap was the track owner Rico Locati but not by much.  Channeling his inner smoothness Monte Saager was second by one tenth, mere feet while Flyin' Bryan was in third a lap back.

The ladies race followed the same pattern as the first with Dorothy first, Sherry second and June third.  The junior division also followed this now familiar pattern with Todd giving little Dom a lesson in experience.

We'd like to thank Rico and Kelly for a great dinner and Dorothy for our favorite chocolate desserts.  Racers were continually stuffed.  It was another NASTE great time.

Thank you Rico and Kelly! 


Saturday April 13, 2013

Welcome to thirteen?

On Saturday April 13, the thirteenth race of the 2013 NASTE Point Series was held at Rico Locati's picturesque Autumn Hills Raceway in Milwaukie.

Sixteen racers took up the challenge to race two rounds of two minute heats, driving gorgeous Scalextric Ferrari's in the first race and rapid Ninco DTM's in the second. The racing spanned the gamut from close and intense all the way to close and hysterical.  

In the first round we were treated to a pair of pristine Ferrari 330 P4's.  The looked fast, in fact they looked like they could fly.  And soon it was apparent that they could as Tracy launched one nearly into orbit.  After touch-down, the offending Ferrari was returned to the track where it happily continued for the remainder of the evening none the worse for wear.  In another heat neither driver could get the hang of their car sliding off the track on nearly every corner for a few laps until they settled down to just most of the corners.

Getting the pointy end headed in the right direction most often was this season's current point's leader Flyin' Bryan Trachsel.  Home track favorite Rico was second by a few tenths while Terry 
'the Mailman" Abbott turned in a strong performance to take third. "Zen Racer Lady" Saager leading the way with a stunning performance followed closely by Dorothy "the Hammer" Abbott and Sherry Wilson.  While in the junior division Thomas "the Tominator" Flood pulled out all the stops even coming in ahead of his Astronaut dad Tracy.

For the night's second round Rico brought out the Ninco DTM's.  By now drivers were tuned in and the lap counts were rising.  Yet Flyin' Bryan Trachsel was still the run-away winner but this time it was Monte "The Big Smooth" Saager just a few tenths off his torrid pace with Battlin' Bill Bostic just another tenth behind.

In the ladies classification Dorothy "the Hammer" Abbott took top honors over Victoria Saager by a few tenths with Sherry Wilson once again claiming third.  In the junior division Russell Flood regained his mojo sending Thomas "the Tominator" Flood to a second place finish with Todd Flood finishing in third.

We;d like to thank Kelly for a great dinner of pulled pork with all the trimmings and Dorothy for our favorite chocolate desserts.  Racers were once again exceptionally well fed.  It was a NASTE great time.

Thank you Rico and Kelly!


Saturday March 16, 2013

Fourteen friends of the slot came to Monte and Victoria?s Penguin Point for the twelfth NASTE race of the 2013 season this past Saturday evening.

This is the third time we?ve been to the Pen this season.  Close racing is typically the norm and there would be no exception on this night.

For the first set Monte selected one of his favorites - the Ninco McLaren?s.  And as the flag dropped it was clear that there would be no traction problems.  In fact the red car in the center lane could wheelie right out of the slot off the start line as more than one driver learned the hard way.  

Some of the tighter turns at the Pen can elicit a little hop so managing that can be a priority.  Those that did manage made good time while those that didn?t had a lesser result.

Finding the fastest way around the course and keeping the car pointed in the right direction was Monte "the Big Smooth" with a lap lead over Flyin' Bryan.  Bill followed in third just one tenth behind.

Dorothy "the Hammer" led the ladies division followed closely by Victoria and Sherry with Russell besting Todd in the junior division.

For the night's second set the gloves came off and out came the Ninco Mini's.  It's The Italian Job - NASTE style.  Oh brother?

Sliding, bouncing, crashing, rolling, the Mini's powered by their mighty NC-1 motors progressed around the track at a somewhat less than frantic pace.  Amazingly, the Mini's proved up to the challenge with nary a wheel tossed to the side of the road.

Guiding the Mini's at a less slow pace than the rest was Barrelin' Bill Bostic.  Just three tenths back was Monte followed by Bryan another three tenths back.

Tied for top spot in the ladies category was Victoria and Dorothy with Sherry close behind.
In the junior category Russell breezed to a 7th overall finish and the class win while Todd struggled to stay on the track.

A big NASTE thanks to Monte and Victoria for opening their house and track for a pleasant evening.  The pizza was top notch, and Dorothy's chocolates were excellent as always.  Almost too excellent.


Saturday February 23, 2013

This past Saturday evening sixteen racers came to Bill Bostic's Too Bad Motorplext to take up the challenge of the eleventh NASTE race on this year's calendar.

This is the third time we've been to Bill's this season.  The first two times we raced the Fly cars but not this time.  No, Bill had set up some Scaley Mustangs with magnets!  Yes, WITH magnets.  On the plus side, they did run really well.  But magnets? what is this world coming too?

As the flag dropped it was apparent that some were taking advantage of the power of those magnets and running with relative abandon while others were running a little more like abandoned relatives.

In the first set it was Terry "the Mailman" Abbott coming home first followed closely by Flyin? Bryan Trachsel and Tracy Flood in third.  Tracy was heard to comment after the set "I do pretty well when they give me a magnet".  Yes indeed.

In the junior category Todd Flood was showing brothers Nicholas and Mathew James (pictured above) the fast way around the track.  Nicholas took second in the first set while his brother came back to edge him out in the second set.

The other Abbott, Dorothy "the Hammer" was busy dominating the women's class with June Petrequin second while newcomer Becky James worked on the finer skills of slot car management.

In the second set Flyin' Bryan led the way while Terry slipped to second while Rico Locati took third.

A big NASTE thanks to Bill Bostic for inviting us into his house for a pleasant evening.  The pizza was top notch, and Dorothy's chocolates were excellent as always.


Saturday February 16, 2013

The tenth race of the season brought twenty racers to Hillsboro for a fun night of off-road racing.  Or so we thought?  As bad luck would have it after a week or so of setup and testing the track developed a severe power issue rendering it basically useless.  As good luck would have it, a small group of volunteers made quick work of the off-road track removing it to once again reveal the underlying Penguin Point track while the others were feasting on pizza and sweets.  And in an even more fortuitous development, Rico had brought some nice Professor Motor controllers so the racers wouldn?t have to spend the evening complaining about mine.  Things were looking up after all.

For the first set the ever-reliable Ninco McLarens were chosen.  And they performed flawlessly racking up lap after lap, or lap after de-slot however you chose to proceed.  On top of the heap in the first set was Rico just out-pointing Monte with Terry and Bryan tied for third.  Afterward Rico could be heard exclaiming "haven't touched a slot car in a year" or something similar.

The second set was run using another fan favorite - the Fly Classics.  These cars have also proved sturdy and reliable - a good asset for a NASTE race - though one did toss a wheel.  It was quickly re-glued between heats and on we went.  Taking honors in the second set was Monte.  Tied for second place were Terry and Rico with Bryan and Dorothy in another tie just one more point behind.

We'd like to give a big NASTE salute to Victoria for some great pizza, Dorothy for her outstanding chocolates and all the rest that contributed to a fun and enjoyable night.


Saturday February 02, 2013

Gary "Howie" Howard graciously made Rapid Raceway available for the return of the NASTE '55 Chevy's in the 9th race of the 2013 NASTE Point Series Championship. The racers in attendance brought pot luck dishes to start the race night out with some NASTE style face feeding. 

After we were all satisfied with full stomach we got down to some serious Chevy bashin'. As usual with the NASTE '55 Chevys the racing was very close. There was a lot of bumpin', nerfin', and plain ole crashin', much to the delight of all those watching as well as racing. 

At the end when the results were tallied Bryan Trachsel came out as the winner, but not by much. 

We'd all like to thank Howie for making his track available to us on short notice, and thank you to all the racers that brought food. It was another great night of NASTE racing!

And now a little history on the NASTE '55 Chevys.

The concept for the NASTE '55 Chevys came about in 1996. The cars were developed as a low cost, easy to build class of cars for new slot car enthusiasts. The key points to the class formula were; a solid brass chassis, an inexpensive Radio Shack motor, hard rubber model airplane type rear tires, and a model car body molded in 1/25 or 1/24 scale. The original chassis was constructed of .060" steel wire and .062" brass strip. These early chassis were sold to racers for cost of parts at $13. The cars were raced extensively in the first few years of the NASTE Point Series Championships, using a variety of different body styles. It was a very successful and popular class.

In 1998 Dave Smith made improvements to the original chassis design, which were adopted as the new style for the NASTE Chassis. In 2006 Bryan Trachsel built four cars using this basic chassis design to be used as IROC style racing cars for the 2007 NASTE Point Series. 1955 Chevrolet two door hardtop bodies were mounted on the chassis for the series. The cars were first raced at Rapid Raceway in September of 2006.

After that initial race the NASTE '55s appeared in December 2006 at Checkered Flag Raceway, February 2007 again at Rapid Raceway, March 2007 at Checkered Flag Raceway. After the March 2007 race the cars were put away and given a rest.

Their next appearance was three years later in October of 2010 at Hemi Heights Raceway Park. No repairs or alterations had been made to the cars since the March 2007 race. They were brought out, dusted off and oiled, had their rear tires sanded, and thrown out onto the track to be thrashed again. They performed without flaw!

The '55s were again given a rest as NASTE focused more on 1/32 scale racing for the 2008, 2009, and 2010 seasons. Then in January of 2012 the '55s were again serviced for a return appearance at Hemi Heights Raceway Park. During the 2012 NASTE series the '55s also raced at Rapid Raceway in March.

This recent race at Rapid Raceway was the eighth NASTE Point Series Championship Race for the '55 Chevys. The cars have been raced by no less than 45 different racers, all with various levels of driving skill (read: lots of crashing!). They have over 11,732 racing laps on them (those are actual RACING laps, and do NOT count the multitude of practice laps, which if they had been counted would probably at least equal the number of racing laps!). After more than 12,000 laps by more than 45 different drivers in over 5 years, the only parts replaced on these cars were; one pickup contact braid and one crown gear. These cars are still on their original motors, gears, tires, and bodies! And in spite of all the wear and tear, a new Rapid Raceway lap record for these cars was set during this last race! And who set the new lap record?  Well, Bryan Trachsel of course!


Saturday January 19, 2013

This past Saturday evening thirteen brave souls came to the Jacquelin Park Speedway in Hillsboro for the annual NASTE Enduro.

Originally scheduled for three hours, we found that talk got in the way and by the time we finally got started we settled for three 45 minute heats.

The stallions of the evening would be three of SCX finest Ferrari's - two 360 Modeno's and an FXX.  Once teams were announced and driving orders established the flag dropped and cars left the starting line for 135 solid minutes of exhilaration.  As the night wore on drivers would battle for position both on and around the track.

Early in the first heat Team One's car developed some slow-ness causing them to fall quite a ways behind.  After a little braid adjustment the car seemed to return to top performance.  But by then the damage was done as Team One had fallen well over 20 laps behind.  At the end of the heat Team Three held first with Team Two just a few laps behind.  

In the second heat, Team One was unable to close the gap much still trailed by 24 laps while Team Two sped past Team Three to take an 8 lap lead heading into the final set.  

In the final heat, Team One staged a desperate rally getting to within 10 laps of the lead at one point only to once again fall back.  Team Three continued to close on Team two until the final few laps when they slipped by for the well-deserved win.

The final lap counts show Team Three with 789, Team Two with 788 and Team One with 770.

A special thanks to Victoria for the great Pizza.  We were also blessed with Dorothy Abbott's excellent rum balls and other chocolate treats as well as many other items that were brought for a most "feastive" atmosphere.


Saturday January 05, 2013

This past Saturday evening a fantastic group of eighteen NASTE Racers met at Bryan Trachsel's WFO Speedway in southeast Portland for some HO scale IROC racing. 

For our enjoyment Bryan had prepared four Aurora Thunderjet 500 cars with AC Cobra bodies for this point series race. 

The first round of racing was very exciting as racers became familiar with the speed and handling of the T-Jet cars. But by the second round a few things became obvious.  

First, the pizza, hot dogs, and snacks Bryan provided for us were most excellent, but VERY filling and Dorothy Abbott's excellent rum balls were not helping much. Second and most importantly there were new applicants applying for The Hammer title (which is probably appropriate as The Hammer seems to have moved into the full blown racer ranks).  Add to that the fact that Bryan's WFO HO track is tight, fast, and very challenging! Despite these obstacles most everyone improved their performance over the first round. 

Taking top honors was our host, Bryan with Bill and Dave tied for second.

We raced two full rounds and there were no issues with the cars or the track, and the racing was concluded by 9:00 pm.  It was a great night of racing! Thank you Bryan!

We?ll look forward to seeing you at the next NASTE Race on Saturday, January 19 at Monte and Victoria's Jacquelin Park for the Digital Enduro.


Saturday December 08, 2012

On Saturday December 8, an outstanding field of twenty-three racers came to Bill's TooBad Motorplex in Fairview to contest the sixth race of the 2013 NASTE season.

With so many racers we shortened the evening to be a single set of heats featuring the same Fly LMP cars that we had raced previously though Bill did say some weight had been added.  The cars were once again solid.  And once again tight racing was the order of the night.

Taking top honors for the evening were Bryan Trachsel, Bill Bostic and Dave Smith all with 48 laps, a matter of feet being the difference.

We'd like to thank Bill and Diane for the great pizza and treats, Dorothy for our favorite chocolate desserts and all the other contributors.  It was another fantastic night of food, fun and good friends.

We'll see you at the next NASTE race on January 5th at Bryan Trachsel's HO track.


Saturday November 24, 2012

On Saturday November 24, a find field of sixteen racers came to Bill's TooBad Motorplex in Fairview to contest the fifth race of the 2013 NASTE season.

The race consisted of two rounds of two minute heats featuring Fly LMP cars.  The cars were solid but a little wiggle here and there could prove costly.  And For the second race in a row tight racing was the order of the night.

In the first set of the night it was Terry "
the Mailman" Abbott off to an early lead with another six racers but a lap back.  It doesn't get much closer than that!

Could the mailman hold on to such a slim lead?  And what about the track owner, where was Bill?

In the second set it was Flyin' Bryan Trachsel coming back from a first set controller issue to turn the top lap total of the night with a fine 34 lap run.  Monte and Dave finished just behind with 33.

And as it turned out Bryan's last set proved to be the difference maker.  He slipped by Terry with less than a lap difference between the two with Monte taking third.  Others were close behind with only two laps separating the top seven racers.

We'd like to thank Bill and Diane for the great pizza and treats, Dorothy for our favorite chocolate desserts and all the other contributors.  It was another fantastic night of food, fun and good friends.

We'll see you in a few weeks.


Saturday November 10, 2012

On Saturday November 10, the fourth race of the 2013 NASTE Point Series was held at Monte and Victoria's Penguin Point Raceway in Hillsboro.

The race consisted of two rounds of two minute heats - full Monte style.  In the first set the racers sped Ninco McLarens around the track.  

Tight racing was the order of the night as the cars were so close together they would spend much of the race as a pack. And the cars ran flawlessly leaving racers nothing to complain about with the exception of one of Monte's controllers.  First among the complainers was Flyin' Bryan Trachsel followed in second by Terry "The Mailman" Abbott with Bill Bostic in third.  In a surprise move, the track owner had slipped to fourth place!  But would this trend continue?

When the flag dropped on the second set it was Flyin' Bryan with the early surge.  His rapid pace took the early lead and looked like it would stand up.  However, coming on hard down the stretch, Monte managed to seize victory in the final set to take the title "Lord of the Fly's".  Once again the Curse of the Track Owner was alive and well.

Taking the top spots in the final set were Monte Saager, Bryan Trachsel and Terry Abbott.

We'd like to thank Victoria for the great pizza and cinnamon rolls, Dorothy for our favorite chocolate desserts and all the other contributors.  The food was terrific and the racing fun.  It was another great night at the Pen.


Saturday October 13, 2012

On Saturday October 13, the second race of the 2013 NASTE Point Series was held at Rico Locati?s picturesque Autumn Hills Raceway in Milwaukie.

The race consisted of two rounds of three minute heats, driving brand-new Slot.it Ford GT?s and those Fickle FIAT?s of Fate. 

The racing was close and hysterical.  The Slot.it Ford GT?s were rapid and solid while the FIAT?s were not.  Once you get a FIAT hopping, it?s hard to get it to stop.  In fact it?s a little like riding a bucking bronco bareback.  Ye-haa!

Once the flag dropped on the first set it was Monte with the early lead.  As the evening wore on Bill passed Monte only to be later passed by a sizzling performance from Rico.  He may have run this track before?

The podium was Rico, Bill and Monte in that order.   

It was about this time a few of the racers decided to invest in Rum Balls ? thank you Hammer ? AKA Dorothy Abbott.

Sometime later Rico brought out the Fickle FIAT?s of Fate for round two.  Bounce, bounce, bounce and around the track they went. 

And once again it was Monte the FIAT master coming out on top.  I think he may have won every round with the FIAT?s so far.  Coming in second was Terry with Rico in third.

We?d like to thank Kelly for the typically great spread and Dorothy for our favorite chocolate desserts.  Racers were exceptionally well fed and somewhat sedated.  It was a great time.

Thank you Rico and Kelly!


Saturday September 29, 2012

On Saturday September 29, 2012 the green flag dropped to signal the start of NASTE's 17th consecutive racing season. The opening race for the 2013 NASTE Point Series was held at Bryan Trachsel's WFO HO track in southeast Portland. Pizza and snacks were on hand to start the evening. 

The race consisted of two rounds of three minute heats, driving Aurora Thunderjets with Dash GTO bodies. 

The racing was fast, frantic, and hectic.

Breaking out to a first set lead was Flyin? Bryan with more than a lap on Monte in second and Terry in third.   

The only relief from the on-track chaos was from the rum balls supplied by our beloved Hammer, Dorothy Abbott. 

Other highlights of the evening included some very interesting snack creation that took place involving crackers, cream cheeze and mustard (probably as a direct result of rum ball ingestion). 

In addition an award was presentation to Terry Abbott recognizing his major win at Rapid Raceway during the 2012 series, to Victoria Saager as the NASTE 2012 Scrabble Champion, and to Dorothy Abbott in recognition of her contributions to NASTE as our official photographer. 

At the end of the evening it was Bryan Trachsel at the top of the podium with the win followed by Dave Smith in second and Monte Saager the surprise third place finisher. All in all it was another fantastic NASTE event! We are off to a great start for 2013! 


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*De-notes Point Series Championship Races.

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